

Text.ProseDoc is a tool that reads markdown formatted comments from a Haskell source file and composes the comments and the associated source into a HTML document where the prose and source flow side by side in sync.

The concept is blatantly borrowed from the CoffeeScript tool docco.

ProseDoc can be seen as an alternative way to write and format literal Haskell code. However, the main motivation behind writing ProseDoc was simply that it seemed like an interesting project to tinker with.

The source code repository is located at https://github.com/shangaslammi/prose-doc.

module Text.ProseDoc where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad       ((<=<), filterM, forM)
import Control.Error

import Data.Monoid (mempty)
import Data.List   (sort, isPrefixOf)

import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents, doesFileExist, doesDirectoryExist)
import System.FilePath  ((</>), takeExtension, makeRelative)

import Text.Pandoc.SelfContained

import Text.ProseDoc.Rendering
import Text.ProseDoc.Parser

import Paths_prose_doc

The current version can generate a document either from a single source file or a hierarchical module structure.

generatePage :: FilePath -> IO String
generatePage path = do
    isFile <- doesFileExist path
    if isFile then processSingle path else processDirectory path

processSingle :: FilePath -> IO String
processSingle path = do
    t <- runScript (parseSourceFile path)

For a single document, we leave out the TOC and simply format the given module. The makeSelfContained function from pandoc is used to embed the style information from an external css file.

    cssPath <- getDataFileName "css/prose.css"

    makeSelfContained Nothing
        $ renderPage cssPath mempty
        $ [moduleToHtml (path, t)]

findModules :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
findModules root = do
    isFile <- doesFileExist root
    if isFile

For directories, we walk through all subdirectories and gather all files with the extension .hs.

        then return $ if takeExtension root == ".hs" then [root] else []
        else fmap concat
            $   mapM findModules
            =<< map (root </>) . filter (not . isPrefixOf ".")
            <$> getDirectoryContents root

processDirectory :: FilePath -> IO String
processDirectory path = do

Currently, the modules are presented in alphabetical order but this should be user configurable so that more relevant modules can be made to appear first.

    mods <- sort . map (makeRelative path) <$> findModules path

    htmls <- forM mods $ \m -> do
        t <- runScript $ parseSourceFile (path </> m)
        return $ moduleToHtml (m, t)

    let toc = htmlTOC mods
    cssPath <- getDataFileName "css/prose.css"

    makeSelfContained Nothing $ renderPage cssPath toc htmls


Forcing a square peg through a round hole

(aka: syntax coloring of Haskell source code using the haskell-src-exts package)

There are several good syntax highlighting libraries and tools available, so the simplest thing would have been just to use one and be done with it. However, none of the syntax highlighters that I could find worked 100% perfectly with the plethora of language extensions available for modern GHC (TemplateHaskell is particularly tricky), so in a bout of perfectionism I decided I'd try and make a syntax highlighter that uses a full blown Haskell parser to get everything right.

If I really wanted to be sure I'm supporting all the syntax extensions currently available, the right thing to do would be to use the GHC API directly so that anything I can compile, I can highlight. However, I have to admit that the thought of diving into the GHC API absolutely terrifies me (I'll get to it some day, I promise!), so settled with the next best thing, namely haskell-src-exts.

Now, haskell-src-exts supports an admirably large portion of the Haskell syntax, but token classification for syntax highlighting isn't really one of the targeted use-cases for the library.

  • You get a Token stream from the lexer that contains information such as which words are keywords.
  • You get an AST (thankfully, annotated with position meta-data) from the parser for figuring out the context, i.e. whether you are inside a type signature or a pattern match.
  • And finally, you get comments (again, tagged with position info) as a separate list.

Which gets us to this module: Classifier

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Text.ProseDoc.Classifier where

import Control.Applicative

import Data.String ()
import Data.Monoid

import Data.Data
import Data.Typeable (cast)
import Data.Generics.Schemes

import Language.Haskell.Exts.SrcLoc
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.Annotated.Syntax as S

import Text.ProseDoc.Tree
import Text.ProseDoc.Tree.Builder
import Text.ProseDoc.Classifier.Types
import Text.ProseDoc.Classifier.Tokens ()

The ASTClassifier type class is used to process nodes in the annotated AST produced by haskell-src-ext and to build a Tree (covered later) of what are essentially tokens classified (or labeled) according to their context in the AST.

The mkTree function of the type-class operates in the TreeBuilder monad (also covered later), which keeps track of the current source position and the lists of tokens and comments we haven't yet processed.

class ASTClassifier ast where
    mkTree :: ast -> TreeBuilder (Tree Classifier Printable)
    mkTree = const mempty

As a generic convenience, we define some helper instances so that we can process ast elements, tree builders and lists of the aforementionted in a consistent manner.

instance ASTClassifier (TreeBuilder (Tree Classifier Printable)) where
    mkTree = id

instance ASTClassifier a => ASTClassifier [a] where
    mkTree = fmap mconcat . mapM mkTree

instance ASTClassifier a => ASTClassifier (Maybe a) where
    mkTree Nothing  = mempty
    mkTree (Just a) = mkTree a

The root node of the AST is always the Module. By using the generic traversal scheme from Data.Generics.Schemes we can avoid most of the trouble of having to write an instance for every single kind of AST node.

If there are any source code fragments that were not processed by the generic traversal, we append them with popRemaining.

instance ASTClassifier (S.Module SrcSpan) where
    mkTree m = mappend
        <$> everything mappend gTree m
        <*> popRemaining

gTree takes advantage of the Data.Data instance of the AST elements and makes transformations throughout the tree. "Leaf" type nodes like names are processed using popAst and more complex elements delegate to the AST element's ASTClassifier type class instance.

gTree :: Data a => a -> TreeBuilder (Tree Classifier Printable)
gTree (cast -> Just (c :: S.ModulePragma SrcSpan)) = mkTree c
gTree (cast -> Just (c :: S.ImportDecl SrcSpan))   = mkTree c
gTree (cast -> Just (c :: S.Type SrcSpan))         = mkTree c
gTree (cast -> Just (c :: S.QName SrcSpan))        = mkTree c
gTree (cast -> Just (c :: S.Name SrcSpan))         = mkTree c
gTree (cast -> Just c@(S.Con {}))                  = popAst' ConstrName c
gTree (cast -> Just c@(S.PApp _ qn _))             = popAst' ConstrName qn
gTree (cast -> Just c@(S.PRec _ qn _))             = popAst' ConstrName qn
gTree (cast -> Just (c :: S.QOp SrcSpan))          = popAst' InfixOperator c
gTree (cast -> Just c@(S.String {}))               = popAst' StringLit c
gTree (cast -> Just c@(S.TypeSig l names typ))
    =  popPrintablesBefore l
    <> label Signature (mkTree names <> mkTree typ)
gTree _ = mempty

label is an short-hand function for adding a parent classifier to any value that is an ASTClassifier itself.

label :: ASTClassifier a
    => Classifier
    -> a
    -> TreeBuilder (Tree Classifier Printable)
label l a = Label l <$> mkTree a

label' is a variation of label which discards all labels from child trees. This is sometimes useful to prevent an element from gettings several redundant classifiers.

label' :: ASTClassifier a
    => Classifier
    -> a
    -> TreeBuilder (Tree Classifier Printable)
label' l a = Label l . pruneLabels <$> mkTree a

popAst assigns the given label to the specified, annotated AST element and pops all code fragments within the AST element's SrcSpan.

popAst :: S.Annotated ast
    => Classifier
    -> ast SrcSpan
    -> TreeBuilder (Tree Classifier Printable)
popAst cls ast = popPrintablesBefore l <> label cls (popPrintables l)
    where l = S.ann ast

popAst' is a version of popAst which prunes any nested labels.

popAst' :: S.Annotated ast
    => Classifier
    -> ast SrcSpan
    -> TreeBuilder (Tree Classifier Printable)
popAst' cls ast = popPrintablesBefore l <> label' cls (popPrintables l)
    where l = S.ann ast

The rest of the module consists of ASTClassifier instances for AST nodes for which we want to do some specific processing i.e. assign specific labels to some children of the node which cannot be accurately identified just based on their type (in which case we could process them in gTree).

This part of the syntax highlighter is still work-in-progress. We need more ASTClassifier instances to add rest of the syntax coloring.

instance ASTClassifier (S.ModulePragma SrcSpan) where
    mkTree p = case p of
        S.LanguagePragma l names ->
            popPrintablesBefore l
            <> (Label ModulePragma <$> mkTree names)
        S.OptionsPragma l _ _ ->
            popPrintablesBefore l
            <> (Label ModulePragma <$> popPrintables l)
        S.AnnModulePragma l _ ->
            popPrintablesBefore l
            <> (Label ModulePragma <$> popPrintables l)

instance ASTClassifier (S.ImportDecl SrcSpan) where
    mkTree i@(S.ImportDecl{..})
        =  popPrintablesBefore importAnn
        <> label ImportDecl
        (  mkTree importModule
        <> mkTree importAs
        <> mkTree importSpecs

instance ASTClassifier (S.ImportSpecList SrcSpan) where
    mkTree d
        = popPrintablesBefore l
        <> everything mappend gTree d
        where l = S.ann d

instance ASTClassifier (S.ModuleName SrcSpan) where
    mkTree (S.ModuleName l' s)
        = popPrintablesBefore l
        <> label ModuleName (popPrintables l)
            -- ModuleName has invalid span length, so recalculate it from
            -- the actual name.
            SrcSpan {..} = l'
            l = l' { srcSpanEndColumn = srcSpanStartColumn + length s }

instance ASTClassifier (S.Name SrcSpan) where
    mkTree n = popPrintablesBefore l <> label Name (popPrintables l)
        where l = S.ann n

instance ASTClassifier (S.Type SrcSpan) where
    mkTree n = popPrintablesBefore l <> case n of
        S.TyFun _ a b -> mkTree a <> mkTree b
        S.TyApp _ a b -> mkTree a <> mkTree b
        S.TyList _ a  -> mkTree a
        S.TyTuple _ _ a -> mkTree a
        S.TyParen _ a -> mkTree a
        S.TyCon _ (S.Qual _ m n)
            -> mkTree m
            <> do
                within <- currentlyWithin l
                -- Pop the dot in the qualified name separately
                if within
                    then popCustom Punctuation 1
                    else mempty
            <> label' TypeName (mkTree n)
        _ -> label TypeName $ popPrintables l
        where l = S.ann n

instance ASTClassifier (S.QName SrcSpan) where
    mkTree n = popPrintablesBefore l <> case n of
        S.Qual _ m n -> mkTree m <> mkTree n
        _ -> label Name $ popPrintables l
        where l = S.ann n


Token Classification

Whereas Text.ProseDoc.Classifier classifies source fragments based on the AST, the Tokens sub-module assigns classifications based on Tokens that are returned by lexTokenStream in Language.Haskell.Exts.Lexer.

This module also handles Comment values that we get as a side-product of parsing the AST.

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module Text.ProseDoc.Classifier.Tokens where

import Language.Haskell.Exts.Lexer
import Language.Haskell.Exts.SrcLoc
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Comments

import Text.ProseDoc.Classifier.Types

instance SourceFragment (Loc Token) where
    toFragments lt
        | cls == Pragma

We do a little bit of manual tweaking for Pragma tokens because the pragma starting token includes both the opening comment bracket and the pragma name.

            = (pos `setLen` 3, Punctuation)
            : (pos `moveCol` 3, Pragma)
            : []
        | otherwise     = (pos, cls) : []
            pos   = loc lt
            token = unLoc lt
            cls   = classifyToken token
            moveCol src@(SrcSpan {..}) delta = src
                { srcSpanStartColumn  = srcSpanStartColumn + delta }
            setLen  src@(SrcSpan {..}) len = src
                { srcSpanEndColumn = srcSpanStartColumn + len }

instance SourceFragment Comment where
    toFragments (Comment block loc txt) = (loc', comment) : [] where

Block comments that start with the character '%' are classified as "prose" and they get lifted out of the source in a later phase. All other comments are retained in the source as-is.

        loc' = case txt of
            '%':_ -> loc

Prose comments must start and end with a newline. The extra lines are pruned here to avoid extra gaps in the source code.

                { srcSpanStartColumn = 1
                , srcSpanEndColumn   = 1
                , srcSpanEndLine     = srcSpanEndLine + 1
            _ -> loc

        SrcSpan {..} = loc
            | block = case txt of
                '%':prose     -> ProseComment prose
                _             -> BlockComment
            | otherwise = LineComment

classifyToken :: Token -> Classifier
classifyToken t
    | braces t              = Braces
    | specialPunctuation t  = SpecPunctuation
    | punctuation t         = Punctuation
    | keyword t             = Keyword
    | pragma t              = Pragma
    | thQuote t             = THQuote
    | thEscape t            = THEscape
    | thQuasiQuote t        = QuasiQuote
    | otherwise             = Other

thQuote :: Token -> Bool
thQuote = flip elem
    [ THExpQuote
    , THPatQuote
    , THDecQuote
    , THTypQuote
    , THCloseQuote
    , THVarQuote
    , THTyQuote

thEscape :: Token -> Bool
thEscape (THIdEscape _) = True
thEscape THParenEscape  = True
thEscape _ = False

thQuasiQuote :: Token -> Bool
thQuasiQuote (THQuasiQuote _) = True
thQuasiQuote _ = False

braces :: Token -> Bool
braces = flip elem
    [ LeftParen
    , RightParen
    , LeftHashParen
    , RightHashParen
    , LeftCurlyBar
    , RightCurlyBar
    , LeftCurly
    , RightCurly
    , VRightCurly
    , LeftSquare
    , RightSquare

specialPunctuation :: Token -> Bool
specialPunctuation = flip elem
    [ BackQuote
    , Colon
    , DoubleColon
    , Equals
    , Backslash
    , Bar
    , LeftArrow
    , RightArrow
    , At
    , Tilde
    , DoubleArrow
    , Minus
    , Exclamation
    , Star
    , LeftArrowTail
    , RightArrowTail
    , LeftDblArrowTail
    , RightDblArrowTail

punctuation :: Token -> Bool
punctuation = flip elem
    [ SemiColon
    , Comma
    , Underscore
    , Dot
    , DotDot

pragma :: Token -> Bool
pragma t = case t of
    RULES               -> True
    INLINE _            -> True
    INLINE_CONLIKE      -> True
    SPECIALISE          -> True
    SOURCE              -> True
    DEPRECATED          -> True
    WARNING             -> True
    SCC                 -> True
    GENERATED           -> True
    CORE                -> True
    UNPACK              -> True
    OPTIONS _           -> True
    LANGUAGE            -> True
    ANN                 -> True
    _                   -> False

keyword :: Token -> Bool
keyword = flip elem
    [ KW_As
    , KW_By
    , KW_Case
    , KW_Class
    , KW_Data
    , KW_Default
    , KW_Deriving
    , KW_Do
    , KW_MDo
    , KW_Else
    , KW_Family
    , KW_Forall
    , KW_Group
    , KW_Hiding
    , KW_If
    , KW_Import
    , KW_In
    , KW_Infix
    , KW_InfixL
    , KW_InfixR
    , KW_Instance
    , KW_Let
    , KW_Module
    , KW_NewType
    , KW_Of
    , KW_Proc
    , KW_Rec
    , KW_Then
    , KW_Type
    , KW_Using
    , KW_Where
    , KW_Qualified
    , KW_Foreign
    , KW_Export
    , KW_Safe
    , KW_Unsafe
    , KW_Threadsafe
    , KW_StdCall
    , KW_CCall
    , KW_CPlusPlus
    , KW_DotNet
    , KW_Jvm
    , KW_Js


module Text.ProseDoc.Classifier.Types where

import Language.Haskell.Exts.SrcLoc

data Classifier
    = ModuleHead
    | ModulePragma
    | ImportDecl
    | ModuleName
    | ValueName
    | ConstrName
    | TypeName
    | Pragma
    | Name
    | Keyword
    | Punctuation
    | SpecPunctuation
    | Braces
    | QuasiQuote
    | THQuote
    | THEscape
    | Other
    | BlockComment
    | LineComment
    | ProseComment String
    | Signature
    | InfixOperator
    | StringLit
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

type LineNo = Int
type Column = Int
type Pos = (LineNo, Column)

type Printable = String
type Fragment  = (SrcSpan, Classifier)

class SourceFragment f where
    toFragments :: f -> [Fragment]

isProse :: Classifier -> Bool
isProse (ProseComment _) = True
isProse _ = False


Parsing Haskell Source

Haskell modules are parsed using Language.Haskell.Exts.Parser and the tokens, comments and AST is fed to a TreeBuilder (see Text.ProseDoc.Tree.Builder).

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Text.ProseDoc.Parser where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Error

import Data.List (sort)

import Language.Haskell.Exts (readExtensions)
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Lexer
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Parser
import Language.Haskell.Exts.SrcLoc
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Pretty (prettyPrint)
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.Annotated.Syntax as S

import Text.ProseDoc.Tree
import Text.ProseDoc.Tree.Builder
import Text.ProseDoc.Classifier
import Text.ProseDoc.Classifier.Types

parseSourceFile :: FilePath -> EitherT String IO (Tree Classifier Printable)
parseSourceFile fp = do
    src  <- scriptIO $ readFile fp
    hoistEither $ buildTree fp src

buildTree :: FilePath -> String -> Either String (Tree Classifier Printable)
buildTree path src = case parseResult . parseMode <$> readExtensions src of
    Nothing                    -> Left "unable to parse language extensions"
    Just (ParseOk r)           -> return r
    Just (ParseFailed loc msg) -> Left (prettyPrint loc ++ ": " ++ msg)

        parseResult mode = do
            tokens <- lexTokenStreamWithMode mode src
            (ast :: S.Module SrcSpan, comments) <- parseWithComments mode src

            let builder   = mkTree ast
                tree      = runTreeBuilder builder src fragments
                    =  sort
                    $  concatMap toFragments tokens
                    ++ concatMap toFragments comments

            return tree

        parseMode exts = defaultParseMode
            { parseFilename = path
            , fixities = Just []
            , extensions = exts


Rendering to HTML

{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Text.ProseDoc.Rendering where

import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Applicative ((<$>),(<*>))
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))

import Data.Monoid
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.List   (isPrefixOf, stripPrefix, intercalate)

import Text.Blaze.Html5 ((!))
import Text.Blaze.Extra
import Text.Blaze.Renderer.String
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A

import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Markdown
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.HTML
import Text.Pandoc.Parsing (defaultParserState)
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (defaultWriterOptions)

import Text.ProseDoc.Tree
import Text.ProseDoc.Classifier.Types

import System.FilePath

htmlTOC builds a hierarchical <ul> tree from a list of filenames so that files that are in the same directory are placed as siblings in the tree.

htmlTOC :: [FilePath] -> H.Html
htmlTOC = (H.ul !. "toc") . evalState (go []) . idify  where

The internal implementation is rather hairy (there has to be a simpler way to do this!). We maintain the list of remaining filenames in the State monad and pop them out one by one when we are a the appropriate level of the tree.

We use two mutually recursive functions go and go2.

go processes module names from the stack until it hits a name that doesn't match the current module prefix.

    go prefix = do
        paths <- get
        case paths of
            []       -> return mempty
            ((fp,anchor):fps)  ->
                let parts  = splitDirectories fp
                    rest   = stripPrefix prefix parts
                in case rest of
                    Nothing -> return mempty
                    Just r  -> put fps >> go2 prefix (r,anchor)

go2 inserts the nested levels for a single module name

    go2 prefix ((x:xs), anchor) = do
        let base  = takeBaseName x
            label = H.toHtml (intercalate "." (prefix ++ [base]))
            link  = H.a ! A.href (fromString ('#' : anchor)) $ label
            tag   = if null xs then link else label
        descend <- case xs of

go (prefix ++ [base]) handles cases where we've just processed e.g. module Foo/Bar.hs and created a link for it. Next we have to look for possible child modules under Foo/Bar/.

            [] -> go (prefix ++ [base])

If we still have parts of the current module name left, recurse go2 with the next name part.

            _  -> go2 (prefix ++ [x]) (xs, anchor)

Finally, handle sibling modules that share the same prefix.

        siblings <- go prefix
        return $ H.li tag <> H.ul descend <> siblings

    idify = map (id &&& pathToId)

moduleToHtml :: (FilePath, Tree Classifier Printable) -> H.Html
moduleToHtml (fp, t)
    =  H.tr !. "file-header" $ (H.td anchor <> fileTd )
    <> treeToHtml t
        fileTd = H.td . H.code . H.toHtml $ fp
        anchor = H.a !# fromString (pathToId fp) $ ""

pathToId :: FilePath -> String
pathToId = map replaceChar . dropExtension where
    replaceChar c
        | c `elem` pathSeparators = '.'
        | otherwise     = c

data Section = Section
    { sectionProse :: String
    , sectionCode  :: Tree Classifier Printable
    } deriving Show

Split the presentation tree into sections at every ProseComment label.

extractSections :: Tree Classifier Printable -> [Section]
extractSections = (pad:) . (++[pad]) . map toSection . splitTree isProse where
    toSection (sep, tree) = case sep of
        Nothing -> Section "" tree
        Just (Label (ProseComment prose) _) -> Section prose tree
    pad = Section "" (Leaf "\n")

treeToHtml :: Tree Classifier Printable -> H.Html
treeToHtml = mapM_ sectionToHtml . extractSections

sectionToHtml :: Section -> H.Html
sectionToHtml (Section {..}) = H.tr (proseTd <> codeTd) where
    proseTd = H.td !. "prose" $ markdownToHtml sectionProse

    codeTd  = H.td !. "code"
        $ H.pre
        $ H.code !. "haskell"
        $ codeTreeToHtml sectionCode

markdownToHtml :: String -> H.Html
    = writeHtml defaultWriterOptions
    . readMarkdown defaultParserState

codeTreeToHtml :: Tree Classifier Printable -> H.Html
codeTreeToHtml = foldTree addSpan H.toHtml . pruneEmptyBranches where
    addSpan cls inner = case unwords (cssClass cls) of
        "" -> inner
        c  -> H.span !. fromString c $ inner

Map the fragment classifiers into css classes.

    cssClass Keyword         = ["kw"]
    cssClass Pragma          = ["kw"]
    cssClass ModulePragma    = ["pragma"]
    cssClass ModuleName      = ["module-name"]
    cssClass Name            = ["name"]
    cssClass Signature       = ["typesig"]
    cssClass TypeName        = ["type-name"]
    cssClass ConstrName      = ["constr-name"]
    cssClass Braces          = ["brace"]
    cssClass SpecPunctuation = ["syntax"]
    cssClass Punctuation     = ["punct"]
    cssClass InfixOperator   = ["infix-op"]
    cssClass StringLit       = ["lit", "string"]
    cssClass LineComment     = ["comment"]
    cssClass BlockComment    = ["comment"]
    cssClass ImportDecl      = ["import"]
    cssClass _               = []

renderPage :: FilePath -> H.Html -> [H.Html] -> String
renderPage css toc mods = renderHtml . H.docTypeHtml $ docHead >> docBody where
    docHead = H.head $ cssLink >> H.title "ProseDoc Generated Module Listing"
    docBody = H.body $ (H.table !. "sections") $ toc <> mconcat mods

    cssLink = H.link
        ! A.rel "stylesheet"
        ! A.type_ "text/css"
        ! A.href (fromString css)


{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

module Text.ProseDoc.Tree where

import Data.Monoid
import Data.Foldable (foldMap)

A tree data type holds labels, branches and leaf nodes. A label classifies all branches and leaves below it.

data Tree l n where
    Empty  :: Tree l n
    Label  :: l -> Tree l n -> Tree l n
    Branch :: [Tree l n] -> Tree l n
    Leaf   :: n -> Tree l n
    deriving (Show)

The tree is folded into a monoid, depth-first using an abstract function that takes in two functions. The first is used to process labels and the second to process leaf data.

foldTree :: Monoid r => (l -> r -> r) -> (n -> r) -> Tree l n -> r
foldTree bf lf = go where
    go Empty           = mempty
    go (Label l tree)  = bf l (go tree)
    go (Branch leaves) = foldMap go leaves
    go (Leaf t)        = lf t

Trees form a monoid so that the two trees are inserted as siblings into a branch.

instance Monoid (Tree l n) where
    mempty          = Empty

    mappend Empty b = b
    mappend a Empty = a
    mappend (Branch b) (Branch b') = Branch (b <> b')
    mappend a (Branch b) = Branch (a:b)
    mappend a b = Branch [a,b]

Remove all label nodes from the tree.

pruneLabels :: Tree l n -> Tree l n
pruneLabels t = case t of
    Label _ t' -> t'
    Branch bs  -> Branch $ map pruneLabels bs
    t'         -> t'

Remove parts of the tree that don't contain any leaf nodes.

pruneEmptyBranches :: Tree l n -> Tree l n
pruneEmptyBranches t = go t where
    go t = case t of
        Empty     -> Empty
        Branch bs -> case filter notEmpty . map go $ bs of
            []  -> Empty
            bs' -> Branch bs'
        Label l t -> case go t of
            Empty -> Empty
            t'    -> Label l t'
        n         -> n

    notEmpty Empty = False
    notEmpty _     = True

A tree can be split into parts based a label test. The split off parts will contain the same labels when walking the tree spine as the part they were cut off from.

breakTree :: (l -> Bool) -> Tree l n -> (Tree l n, Maybe (Tree l n), Tree l n)
breakTree test = go where
    go t = case t of
        Empty -> (Empty, Nothing, Empty)
        Label l t'
            | test l    -> (Empty, Just (Label l t'), Empty)
            | otherwise -> (Label l a, sep, b')
                (a, sep, b) = go t'
                b' = case sep of
                    Nothing -> Empty
                    _       -> Label l b
        Leaf n    -> (Leaf n, Nothing, Empty)
        Branch bs -> case sep of
            Nothing -> (Branch bs, Nothing, Empty)
            _       -> (mconcat a, sep, mconcat b)
            where (a, sep, b) = gob bs

    gob [] = ([], Nothing, [])
    gob (b:bs) = case sep of
        Nothing -> (l:b', sep', bs')
        _       -> (l:[], sep, r:bs)
            (l, sep, r) = go b
            (b', sep', bs') = gob bs

Version of breakTree which splits the tree into a list of tree sections.

splitTree :: (l -> Bool) -> Tree l n -> [(Maybe (Tree l n), Tree l n)]
splitTree test = go Nothing where
    go Nothing Empty = []
    go sep Empty = (sep, Empty) : []
    go sep t = case (sep, l) of
        (Nothing, Empty) -> go sep' r
        _                -> (sep, l) : go sep' r

        where (l, sep', r) = breakTree test t


{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

module Text.ProseDoc.Tree.Builder where

import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Applicative

import Language.Haskell.Exts.SrcLoc

import Text.ProseDoc.Tree
import Text.ProseDoc.Classifier.Types

A TreeBuilder is a helper monad for associating AST elements with the position tagged streams of tokens and comments.

The first state transformer tracks the remaining source code and the current line/row position in the file. The inner state monad keeps a stack of source code fragments (tokens and comments) which are popped from the stack by the AST element that covers the source location.

newtype TreeBuilder a = TreeBuilder (StateT (String, Pos) (State [Fragment]) a)
    deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)

For convenience, we define a monoid instance for tree-producing TreeBuilders so that we can directly mappend two monadic operations.

instance Monoid (TreeBuilder (Tree Classifier Printable)) where
    mempty  = return mempty
    mappend = liftM2 mappend

Given a TreeBuilder, the origina lsource code and classified fragments, create a tree of classified, printable elements.

    :: TreeBuilder (Tree Classifier Printable)
    -> String
    -> [Fragment]
    -> Tree Classifier Printable
runTreeBuilder (TreeBuilder bldr) src =
    evalState $ evalStateT bldr (src,(1,1))

Pop all fragments that are before the given position.

popFragments :: Pos -> TreeBuilder [Fragment]
popFragments pos = TreeBuilder $ do
    fragments <- lift get
    let (include, exclude) = span ((<= pos).srcSpanEnd.fst) fragments
        (include', exclude') = case exclude of
            (e@(p,_):_) | srcSpanStart p < pos ->
                let (e',e'') = breakFragment pos e
                in (include ++ [e'], e'':exclude)
            _ -> (include, exclude)
    lift $ put exclude'
    return include'

Sometimes we need to manually tweak some fragments. popCustom lets us pop a custom fragment with given classifier and length from the current source position.

popCustom :: Classifier -> Int -> TreeBuilder (Tree Classifier Printable)
popCustom cls len = do
    (ln,col) <- TreeBuilder $ gets snd
    fragmentToTree (SrcSpan "" ln col ln (col + len), cls)

Break a fragment into two parts at position.

breakFragment :: Pos -> Fragment -> (Fragment, Fragment)
breakFragment (ln,col) (l, cls) = ((loc, cls), (loc', cls)) where
    loc  = l { srcSpanEndColumn = col, srcSpanEndLine = ln }
    loc' = l { srcSpanStartColumn = col, srcSpanStartLine = ln }

Pop fragments that are located inside the given SrcSpan from the stack and structure them into a tree.

popPrintables :: SrcSpan -> TreeBuilder (Tree Classifier Printable)
popPrintables loc | isNullSpan loc = return Empty
popPrintables loc =
    mconcat <$> (popFragments (srcSpanEnd loc) >>= mapM fragmentToTree)

Pop fragments that are located before the given SrcSpan from the stack and structure them into a tree.

popPrintablesBefore :: SrcSpan -> TreeBuilder (Tree Classifier Printable)
popPrintablesBefore loc =
    (mconcat <$> (popFragments (srcSpanStart loc) >>= mapM fragmentToTree))
    <> leftOvers
        leftOvers = do
            fragments <- TreeBuilder $ lift get
            case fragments of
                []    -> return mempty
                ((loc',_):_) -> beforeToTree loc'

Pop all remaining source fragments from the stack.

popRemaining :: TreeBuilder (Tree Classifier Printable)
popRemaining = mconcat <$> (popAllFragments >>= mapM fragmentToTree) where
    popAllFragments = TreeBuilder (lift get <* lift (put []))

Check if the current source location is within the given span.

currentlyWithin :: SrcSpan -> TreeBuilder Bool
currentlyWithin loc = TreeBuilder $ fmap (< srcSpanEnd loc) $ gets snd

Pop source code until the end of given fragment span and structure the fragment into a classified tree.

fragmentToTree :: Fragment -> TreeBuilder (Tree Classifier Printable)
fragmentToTree (loc, cls) = beforeToTree loc <> fragment where
    fragment = Label cls . Leaf <$> extractSource (srcSpanEnd loc)

beforeToTree :: SrcSpan -> TreeBuilder (Tree Classifier Printable)
beforeToTree loc = do
    pre <- extractSource (srcSpanStart loc)
    case pre of
        "" -> return mempty
        _  -> return $ Leaf pre

Retrieve source code up until the given line/row position as a string.

extractSource :: Pos -> TreeBuilder String
extractSource (ln', col') = TreeBuilder $ unwrapWriter go where
    unwrapWriter = fmap ($"") . execWriterT

    go = do
        (_, (ln, col)) <- get
        let action
                | ln < ln'   = popLine >> go
                | col < col' = popChars (col'-col)
                | otherwise  = return ()

    popLine = do
        (src, (ln, col)) <- lift get
        let (s, tail -> src') = break (=='\n') src
        lift $ put (src',(ln+1, 1))
        tell (s ++)
        tell ('\n' :)

    popChars n = do
        (src, (ln, col)) <- lift get
        let (s, src') = splitAt n src
        put (src', (ln, col+n))
        tell (s ++)